Not so good

Yeah, so I said I was handling this new unemployment a lot better than the last couple of times... But as it turns out I'm not handling it so well.

I have been going through all these stupid ideas in my head like: maybe I'll go overseas next week; maybe I'll just do some freelance web design; maybe I'll just be a tutor for a semester; maybe I should give that old dancing/modelling/acting thing another go; I should get a tattoo and a nose piercing; a new scooter will make everything better; what about a new laptop? Aaargh!

What I should be doing is just applying for more jobs. Let's be honest though, I'm scared of it all happening again. I'm scared of picking myself up and getting on track again, thinking everything is hunky-dory, and then having the carpet pulled from under my feet again. I feel a little paralysed at times thinking about it.

Still I have the logic in my mind that says this is no big deal and I will pick myself up again. But the emotional response, mixed in with some classical conditioning (every time you have a great job, it will disappear and you won't have it any more), is what's taking the lead right now.


Unknown said...

The key here for mine is for you to realize that your situation isn't a reflection on your abilities- it is a symptom of the current mentality of business.

-They are worried about costs

As such they will only be looking for the slightest reason to nip a potential future problem in the butt- where as in the past they would have invested more time into improving the relationship between you and them and thus improving your output.

I bet they are churning through more than just you

So you should be doing the same... by all means seek feedback from situations that didn't work out and seek to improve but if it doesn't work out- It was a mutual problem!

Keep looking, you are more than competent and as such the right job both for you and them won't be far off!


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