Plans are emerging

So I'm starting to form some ideas of what this six months (five left) is going to look like...

In September, I'm tossing up between two weeks in the NT on a conservation project with people from the CSIRO and indigenous rangers, monitoring ants; OR four weeks on a youth exchange with the California Conservation Corps who do lots of different conservation projects all year round. They both have limited places, apparently the NT one is very popular and the CA one won't go ahead if there aren't enough people... we will see what happens.

Then... I have a couple of girl friends who are interested in going on a holiday to Thailand. You know, the standard - get massages, manicures, pedicures, lay on the beach and go shopping sort of holiday. Sounds great to me!

Then... I'm working on some other girl friends to figure out if they want to come to Thailand as well, or anywhere else in Asia after that.

So it's taking shape. So far it's all fairly cheap and sounding really great. In the mean time I'm going to try to find some casual work (only 3 to 6 weeks worth though!) and make plans. I have a group interview tomorrow for some promotions work, which is usually pretty fun and they're not likely to get too sniffy if I leave really soon. Mind you, I'm not letting on about next years plans or even travel plans. I figure if someone was able to let me go after one week, I'm allowed to leave an unskilled job after a month.

I actually applied for this and another similar company after someone offered me a day's work filing. At first it seemed like a good way to waste a day and earn some cash, until I found out it was for $15 an hour. For filing. Which is boring. I decided to use the day to find some more interesting and better paid casual work, so voila... interview tomorrow.

I may also go resume dropping in cafes and bars around my area... they have high staff turnovers usually too. Although, I don't know how to make a resume for cafe and bar work any more. It's been years since I had any relevant experience! Which reminds me, I could apply for catering jobs too...

Peace, love and counting ants!

UPDATE: Crazy Ants is all booked out, now looking at Koalas in QLD instead...


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