Bushfires + work = not compatible

I've been reading a lot of blogs lately, and the ones I am most interested in are people's musings on the world around them. I feel nerdy enough in my work, so I'm not that interested in spending more time submerging myself into nerdy blogs. I'm totally over redecorating because it's taking way too long and all the decisions have been made, so I'm not that interested in the design or decorating blogs. So that leaves the musing blogs, as I like to call them. It is inspiring me to join these bloggers and muse about the world around Me.

This week I'm finding it hard to concentrate on work for two main reasons.

1 - Because Gaea (mother nature) is waging war against Victoria. Thousands are homeless, hundreds dead, and everybody is concerned. I have been reading the news online, watching the news at night, reading the paper in the morning about all the stories of personal loss and individuals stories about how they were caught in what could have been their graves, but the narrowly escaped. For some reason this is captivating me. Each time i read or hear somebody tell their personal story I'm brought to tears for their ordeal. I keep on bringing whatever it is I'm doing back to this - at least I have a home. All my work and stress seems immaterial when others have nothing left but insurance forms.

2 - The second reason is more positive. I'm going on holiday in two days! Friday afternoon my bf and I leave for England. England itself is not that exciting because we both have spent a lot of time there. The exciting bit is going somewhere far away, with free time, and catching up with people we don't see very often.

So back in the current real world, I have to finish of some work by thursday afternoon that I'm not that confident about, and am finding it hard to concentrate on. I will get it done, I know that. Thursday afternoon will come and I will have done my work and I will leave work to meet a mate for drinks, and I will be on my merry way. I just wish I would get on and do it so that the time would pass and I would get to that point sooner.

Also - I'm loving my job. I know it doesn't seem like it so much in this post, but overall it's great. It's exactly what I wanted to be doing after uni, once I figured out what I wanted to do. I feel so proud that in three years I have totally re-trained and have a new career. I am actually a professional. In three years. From zero to professional in three years! And it wasn't easy. So yay for me. I don't think others share my enthusiasm for the achievement, but I suppose all that matters is that I am proud, and my family and close friends are proud. They understand the hurdles I've passed.

Until next post
x alex


wiesel said...

you could have made the title of the post "Bushfires + work != compatible". sorry for that.

ignore the fires, there is a real natural disaster happening, snow, get ready for it.

until next comment
x luke

Unknown said...

Nice post, I really enjoyed reading it.

Yay for holidays!
Congrats on the achievement, glad you are enjoying your work.

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